MT ENA conference
Posted almost 10 years ago by Tina Hedin
Here is the schedule for the ENA state conference in Billings, May 1 & 2 at the Big Horn Resort.
There will be flyers coming out within the next couple of weeks. I have opened registration for the conference.
You may register at
We have applied for CE's upon approval we are looking at approx 13 CE's. The cost is $130 until April 10 then the price increases to $160.
The exciting news is that Deena Bresher, last year's ENA national President will be coming to speak. So excited!!
May 1
0800 – 0815 ... Welcome ... Tina
0815 -0900 -- Deena Bresher -- Keynote
0900 - 0945 -- Darcy Smith -- EKG
0945 -1000 – Break & Vendors
1000 -1100 --- Dr. Lindsey --- stroke network
1100 - 1200 -- Dr. Bell --- eye trauma
1200 - 1300 -- lunch & Vendors
1300 -1400 -- Patrick Hoy -- Active Shooter
1400 - 1500 -- Rob Canan -- Court Case/Documentation/Head trauma
1500-01515 break & vendors
1515-1530 -- Dr. Lindsey --- Stroke
1530 -1630 Dr. Arzubi -- Adult Consequences of Childhood Traumas
1630 - 1715 Nancy Rahm –Communications Across the Generations
1715 -- ??? social networking
7.75 hrs. CE (pending approval)
May 2
0800 - 0815 Welcome -- Tina
0815 - 0915 -- Dean Angel -- wild animal injuries
0915 - 1015 -- Elaine Schuchard -- Geriatric Trauma
1015-1030 -- Break
1030-1130 -- Deena Bresher -- Work place violence
1130 - 1200 Nancy Rahm -- Reflections of Nursing
4.0 hrs CE (pending approval)
1230 -- ??-- Annual state meeting (with lunch) 1.5 CE (pending approval)
Presentation by Deena Bresher (CE offering) legislating for workplace violence